


Water Godess

All the art on this website is created by Alan the author, please don’t use it for commercial purpose. 所有本站图片均为原创,请勿商用。 if you need the copyright, please contact the following: 如需版权,请联系:Contact me: alanni@outlook.com

Crying in the rain

picture a girl is sad and crying in the rain. this is a highres art created by Alan, please do not use for commercial use before authorization from me. contact info you can find on the contact.

white queen

the background in the futuristic galaxy century, the white queen is a powerfull women, she conqures almost half of the galaxy, and rule them.

A road to Xian

In chinese ancient Xian Xia story, when a guy is seeking for the power and Xian, he must find the road inside of his own heart, his Dao.